Tag: Giancarlo Subervi

  • I had initially entered my first job as a translator / interpreter on a remote island in Nagasaki with the knowledge that I would have to surmount the hurdle of learning the local dialect. I was familiar with an array of Japanese dialects through reading fiction set in places like Kumamoto or the Kansai region,…

  • I distinctly recall the first time I had to interpret. A cruise ship had arrived from France and its captain had written a speech addressed to the townspeople. The interpretation was from English to Japanese, rather than the Japanese-to-English I had much more confidence in. Regardless, it was still something I had been prepared for.…

  • Since coming to Japan two years ago as a Japanese-to-English translator, I’ve been wanting to start a blog for the four other people on this planet who care about the extraordinarily specific field of programming’s use in translation (although I will talk about other stuff too, probably). AI has come up frequently in the translation…